Category: Child Custody Law

  • Filing a Petition for Relocation (Move Away) in California

    Filing a Petition for Relocation (Move Away) in California

    Divorce and child custody disputes can become even more complex when one parent wishes to relocate with their children. In California, a parent who plans to move a significant distance must file a Petition for Relocation. This is commonly known as a “move away” request. This petition seeks court approval for the move, whether it’s…

  • 10 Things that can be used against you in a custody battle

    10 Things that can be used against you in a custody battle

    Understanding what can be used against you in a custody battle is crucial for preparing your case and safeguarding your parental rights. Numerous factors, ranging from a history of abuse to financial instability, can be leveraged to argue that you are not fit to have custody of your child. Courts prioritize the child’s best interests,…

  • Can you lose custody for not co-parenting?

    Can you lose custody for not co-parenting?

    Many people have found themselves in a custody situation that just does not work for them. This leaves them thinking “ Can you lose custody for not co-parenting?” The short answer is YES. A parent can potentially lose custody for not co-parenting effectively. Courts in California and many other jurisdictions prioritize the best interests of…

  • What are the chances of a father getting 50/50 Custody?

    What are the chances of a father getting 50/50 Custody?

    If you’re a father going through a custody battle, you may find yourself asking, “What are the chances of a father getting 50/50 custody?” Even though the laws are intended to be gender-neutral, implicit biases can sometimes influence judges, particularly in situations where both parents are deemed equally capable.  Historically, men have often been seen…

  • What Happens after emergency custody is granted?

    What Happens after emergency custody is granted?

    An emergency custody order is temporary and designed to address immediate threats to a child’s safety. The process is meant to be quick in order to avoid or minimize any harm to the child. Therefore, it is crucial that you prepare yourself for what happens after emergency custody is granted. Understanding the steps and procedures…

  • 5 Reasons for Emergency Custody in California

    5 Reasons for Emergency Custody in California

    An emergency custody order is a temporary measure issued by the court to safeguard children in critical scenarios by providing a swift legal response to protect their welfare. Reasons for emergency custody in California include various urgent situations where a child’s immediate safety or well-being is at risk. This article will explore the specific circumstances…

  • How to File for Emergency Custody of a Child in California

    How to File for Emergency Custody of a Child in California

    Knowing how to file for emergency custody of a child in California is critical when a child’s immediate safety is at risk. In these situations, time is of the essence. So, getting the process right is essential for saving precious time. Below is a detailed guide on how to file for emergency custody to give…

  • What is a Minor’s Counsel

    What is a Minor’s Counsel

    When it comes to child custody, the well-being of the child is the court’s number one priority. This is why in some cases a judge may deem it necessary to appoint an attorney to represent the interests of a child in custody disputes if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the…

  • Knowing What Not to Say In Child Custody Mediation

    Knowing What Not to Say In Child Custody Mediation

    Child custody mediation offers a path for parents to negotiate the future of their children’s care collaboratively, especially within the communities of Los Angeles and Orange County, CA. Understanding what not to say in child custody mediation can significantly influence the process’s success, ensuring decisions made are in the best interest of the child. What…

  • Restraining Orders in California: Interview With Attorney Padideh Jafari

    Restraining Orders in California: Interview With Attorney Padideh Jafari

    Attorney Jafari joins Moustafa Kebe for and conversation about restraining orders and how to deal with false allegations on The Family Court Podcast

  • Parallel Parenting with a Narcissist

    Parallel Parenting with a Narcissist

    If traditional co-parenting is too difficult with your toxic ex, choosing parallel parenting with a narcissist may be a the best alternative. Parallel parenting is a structured co-parenting strategy designed for high-conflict situations where traditional co-parenting is impractical due to the ongoing antagonism between parents. It allows both parents to stay involved in their children’s…

  • Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex

    Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex

    Co-parenting with a toxic ex can be a challenging and emotionally draining journey. The relationship dynamics between former partners often add layers of complexity to raising children. However, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of your children. This guide will offer practical strategies to maintain your sanity while co-parenting with a toxic ex Understanding…

  • How To Serve Divorce Papers in California

    How To Serve Divorce Papers in California

    Knowing how to serve your spouse divorce papers in California is one of multiple critical steps for filing for divorce. It’s the second step you should do after filing the proper paperwork.  Specific rules govern this critical procedure to ensure the fair and legal notification of your spouse regarding the initiation of divorce or separation…

  • How to File a Request for Order

    How to File a Request for Order

    Filing a Request for Order (RFO) is a crucial step when you need the court to establish or change orders related to child custody, support, or spousal maintenance. This guide will walk you through each step of this process, ensuring you’re prepared to advocate for your needs effectively. Understanding the Request for Order A Request…

  • Understanding Change of Circumstances

    Understanding Change of Circumstances

    When initial custody, support, and co-parenting arrangements begin to chafe after a change in circumstances, many parents find themselves pondering the next steps. What does one do when new situations arise that the original agreement didn’t foresee, or when existing arrangements no longer serve the child’s best interests? Seeking a modification to a post-trial judgment…

  • Drug Testing in Child Custody Disputes: What You Need to Know

    Drug Testing in Child Custody Disputes: What You Need to Know

    In the midst of child custody disputes, the well-being and safety of the children involved take precedence. Allegations of drug abuse can significantly impact the outcome of these cases. Courts may require drug testing to ensure that the child’s environment is free from substance abuse. Understanding when drug tests are used, how to request a…

  • What Constitutes an Unfit Parent in California?  Understanding Parental Fitness in California

    What Constitutes an Unfit Parent in California? Understanding Parental Fitness in California

    Determining an unfit parent is a complex process that courts approach with the child’s best interests in mind. However, misconceptions about what constitutes an unfit parent can cause unnecessary anxiety for parents already facing the stress of divorce or separation. This article will delve into the legal criteria for an unfit parent and clarify common…

  • What is the process of mediation for child custody in Orange County, California?

    What is the process of mediation for child custody in Orange County, California?

    The mediation process for child custody in Orange County, California, follows a structured series of steps to help parents resolve their custody disputes amicably and come to an agreement that is in the best interests of the child. Here is an overview of the typical process: Child Custody Mediation Process: An Overview Voluntary Participation: Child…

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